Episode 2

Published on:

11th Oct 2021

Isaac Combs Journey Story

In his journey to find peace, Isaac Combs opens up about about his battle with anxiety. In 2020, Isaac started noticing that it was becoming more and more difficult to swallow and keep food down. After trying multiple different medications, the doctors diagnosed him with anxiety.

While the journey has been up and down these last two years, one thing is for certain: Isaac is dedicated to having Jesus be his compass regardless of what the world is throwing at him.

Tune in for another episode of our Journey Series to hear how Isaac has found hope in the midst of his mental health struggles.

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About the Podcast

Through The LenZ
Understanding the world through the perspective of Generation Z.
Ever wonder how teenagers view the world? When culture caves in, how do teenagers respond emotionally, mentally, and spiritually? The next generation is full of leaders who are questioning and processing everything. So, let's talk about it.

Through The LenZ will host gen Z leaders who will share their thoughts on different topics such as culture shifts, societal changes, faith, and everything in between.

Because the biggest way we can connect with the next generation is by seeing the world they do. Join us as we dive into the conversation.
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Crossbridge Admin